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Our Mission Together

Session 5

No “I” in team

There are sports teams that have excelled over the years and some that have consistently done poorly.  In many cases, they are a model for teamwork because success is dependent on being effective teammates.

This holds true in schools, business, and believe it or not, our government. Unfortunately, in many cases egos and lack of true diversity get in the way.

In my last corporate job, I had departments ranging from legal, IT, finance, fundraising, and others. I developed ways for the department heads to work as a team. It was not easy, but it did work out.

Teams do need constant attention because of changes that happen in life, and the need to keep everyone hungry to be their best as time goes on.

However, this does improve when compassion becomes the number one priority.

Let’s look at Ostriches and Zebras.

First, take notice how different these two animals are. They lead very diverse lives however, they make it a priority to help each other in survival.

Zebras have very poor eyesight and ostriches have poor hearing. So, they warn each other using their strongest sense, and thereby keep each other safe.

This is an amazing act of teamwork, that includes compassion and being committed to each other.

I lost count a long time ago about how many people would tell me that humans are by far the superior species.  Without getting into a debate, this may be true in some circumstances, however, with all of the collaboration initiatives put before us, including teamwork exercises, I think we can still learn the most from Zebras and Ostriches.



  • Make a commitment to work together for the common good of each other and the animals we share the planet with.
  • Be vigilant to who might be a good team mate, and never pre-judge.

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